Wednesday, February 20th
Venue: Het Pand, Vergaderzaal 1.1 Priorzaal
9:30-10:30 Panel 1
Angelika Koch: “Images of the Body in kibyôshi”
Andreas Niehaus: “Between Resting and Moving: Ideas of the body in the Yôjôkun”
10:30-11-00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:00 Panel 2
Okada Kei: “Evolving Yellow Bodies: Bodily inferiority complex and the encouragement of white-yellow interracial marriage in Meiji Japan”
Yabu Kotaro: “Master Jiu-Jitsu at home!: Correspondence course in Budo by “Teikoku Shobu Kai” in early 20th century Japan”
12:00-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-15:00 Panel 3
Nagami Makoto: “The value of sports printed in Japanese moral education”
Yamanashi Masae: “For whom “Kôkayûgi(校歌遊戯)” performs: The school song dance between nationalization and localization in Miyakojima Island
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
15:30-16:30 Panel 4
Sato Akinobu: “Close relation between sports criticism and non-fiction: the appearance of Number in 1980’s”
I-chen Yu: “The Ideology of Health Maintenance and Chinese Medicine in Japan”
18:30 Conference Diner
Thursday, February 21th
Venue: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Blandijnberg 2, Faculty Room
9:00-10:00 Panel 5
Kawaguchi Tetsuji: “Die heutige Problem zur Elementarisierung in der Bewegungserkennung”
Ichiba Toshiyuki: “Sport-Intelligenz in den 1930er Jahren”
10:O0-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-11:30 Panel 6
Uta Schaffers: “Traveling Bodies in Japan: The Perception of European and Japanese Bodies in Travel Literature”
Yoshida Kotaro: “Bettler, Eremiten oder Künstler: Blinde in Japan in europäischen völkerkundlichen Berichten des 18. Jahrhunderts”
11:30 Final Discussion
12:00 Lunch